Picture of Dr. Doja Purkit

Dr. Doja Purkit

Dr Doja Purkit has over 25 years experience in complementary health. He is a qualified Doctor of medicine in Acupuncture and Ayurveda and has diplomas in integrated physical therapy and classical homeopathy, as well as a BSc in biochemistry.

Dr Purkit has conducted lectures on Ayurveda in the USA, Kuwait, Hong Kong, India and the UK. His knowledge and expertise in the field of traditional medicine have been broadcast by major corporations such as the BBC, CNN, channel 4 and the discovery channel; along with editorials in The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mail and other major publications.

He has headed research into stroke recovery at London’s Hammersmith hospital and is the founder of Pranaa naturals© which produces pure natural and handmade health, beauty and wellbeing products using the science of Ayurveda and herbal medicine. Dr Purkit accredits health to knowledge, wisdom and a sense of realisation of oneself.

e-books: The secret wisdom of health and The secret of good sleep.

Therapies offered: Acupuncture, ayurveda, marma massage, panchakarma therapy, rejuvenation retreat

Name and country of organisations registered with: British Register of Complementary Practitioners

Conditions treated: Renew, de-stress, anti-ageing, anti-wrinkle, pain

Contact email: info@dojapurkit.com