Podcast 30
How to Lead an Inspired Life
Pamela ‘Puja’ Kirpalani

She is an NLP practitioner and author. Pamela has written a book called Whole – 11 universal truths for an inspired life. Her vision materialised as she started coaching individuals, couples and parents on achieving their goals initially using Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) as a modality. She is certified by ABNlp (Australian Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming), IEMT (Integrated Eye Movement Technique) Practitioner, member of the APSS Singapore and the NLP Association of Singapore. Pamela’s many years of experience and know-how of this niche field further lends to her success in “going deep” into people’s minds and helping them understand how to move forward in their lives. I often get asked by people that there is something missing in their lives. This podcast might lead you to a more inspired, whole life.