Podcast 57
Kinesiology and how it can help the gut and immunity
Dr. Sepp Bodo Fegerl

Dr. Sepp Bodo Fegerl is a studied general physician, living and working in Salzburg, Austria. His core endeavour as therapist is, to guide his clients to the full recovery of their intestinal systems. Not only is this chain of organs, the main entrance for nutrition into our system, it´s also representing the bodies biggest surface to the outside, holding 2/3rd of our immune competent cells regulating immune response and hosting a huge part of our neural and endocrinological system.

Trained in diagnostic and therapy according to the Modern Mayr Medicine, he is able to identify imbalances prior to their symptomatic manifestation and do hold tools to cure them. Focusing on anti-inflammatory support and techniques, this strategy can also help people suffering from chronic disease and metabolic problems. Simple, individual tailor suited and supporting the bodies physiology and function.

In his daily routine, he is using a fusion of allopathic and holistic medical disciplines and techniques. That allows him a positive, successful and very natural approach helping the client help themselves again. With long lasting results.