Feng Shui for a better life: Finding harmony in your space

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Anshu Bahanda: So we have Mrs Leo, who had lived in a small cramped space for 30 years, and finally, she had the money to buy her own house. She was standing in the doorway of her house with her grandmother’s compass. She was holding that in her hand with her hands trembling, remembering the words of her grandmother. Her grandmother had said to her, chi flows like water… blocks its path, and misfortune pools like stagnant water. And if you guide it wisely, then prosperity flows like a gentle stream. So Mrs Leo arranged her furniture with very careful precision. Her desk faced east to welcome the morning sun. It was at a slight angle, so she was to avoid direct alignment with the door. The mirror reflected the fountain to double the chi of the water. And people around her were watching her and thinking, what is this lady all about? Because she would arrange her plants very precisely, move them one inch to the left, move something else two inches to the right, and she would do things like place her sofa away from the wall. All these things made her neighbors very suspicious about her, but when they went to visit her, they realised that there was this sense of serenity, the sense of peace in her house. And Mrs Leo placed her grandmother’s compass in the prosperity corner of her house, of her living room, and she actually knew that her grandmother would be so proud of what she’d done, because she’d learned to dance with the chi and she had built the sanctuary for herself, where energy flows flowed as smoothly as the wind and as steadily as the mountains. Welcome to Wellness Curated. This is your host, Anshu Bahanda, and today we’re going to be talking about our series: Mystical Practices for Modern Minds, and as we explore the ancient art and science of Feng Shui, I have two esteemed guests here. I have Master Edgar Lok Tin Yung. He’s the 39th generation Yang Gong Feng Shui master and the San Yuen Gua holder from grand master Liu Jiangdong lineage. He’s based in Melbourne. He’s talking to us from Hong Kong, and he is really one of the only, I think he is the only 39 generation lineage holder outside of China. We’re very grateful to have him here today, and he’s a unique bridge between traditional Chinese Feng Shui and the modern world of Feng Shui. And we also have with us Marianne Gordon, who’s a certified Feng Shui consultant from the Western School of Feng Shui, and she’s a professional member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Welcome to the chat, and thank you for making the time to be here with us today.

Master Edgar Lok Tin Yung: Thank you for having us. 

Marianne Gordon: Thank you. 

AB: So I will start with Master Yung. Can you tell us about your journey into Feng Shui? How and what is it like for you to be a part of this ancient tradition in the modern world that you live in.

Master ELTY: The Feng Shui… actually the… the region that it was born in is in southern China. The area with the region is called Chaozhou region, and almost everyone here is about Feng Shui. Feng Shui is very, very popular in our area. And you know, when parents in their mid 60s, they will ask their children to find them a burial place, a good burial spot. This is called the Yin Feng Shui. Yin Feng Shui is for burial. We bury the ancestors. And there’s a Yang Feng Shui as well. Yang Feng Shui is for… for the livings, for us, for us the living and there’s a Semi Yin and Semi Yang Feng Shui as well. The Semi Yin, Semi Yang Feng Shui is for the ancestral whole, ancestral, for the ancestral plaque to put in there, and for the, you know, future generation to… to worship. So there’s actually three kinds of Feng Shui. But Yin Feng Shui will start my journey, because back in the middle… mid 1960s back then you know, China had a cultural revolution. Not sure you heard of this. The… the… from 1966 to 76 and at that time, because they want more farmland. So my great grandfather’s grave needs to be relocated. And my father, my father actually found a Feng Shui Master to find a good burial spot for my great grandfather. Eventually, they found one in late 72… 1972. And at that time, you know, it’s not allowed to practice Feng Shui, Chinese astrology. So my father engaged her master secretly. And also the burial happened at midnight. I actually got those… set of the dates, the burial time and the burial spot in the past. Feng Shui master, they will have to write down what would happen after this Feng Shui is done, that after this burial is done, what would happen in the future for the family? So I got some records… actually this Feng Shui master say(said), after this burial, next year, there will be boys born into the family, and then in 1973 in the late 1973 year of the ox, my brother, my younger brother, was born now, 50 years later, 51 years later. And at that time, the master said, this boy, because this Feng Shui… due to this Feng Shui, he will be doing very well, and he will be, you know, working for quite a high ranking in the government job. Right now, he is actually working as a superintendent of the Hong Kong Police Force. So Feng Shui is actually very powerful. In Feng Shui, you know, it can give us a lot of wealth, health and good energy or good fortune to the future generation. And from… you know, when I grew up, I also observed this happen and (it was what) made me become one Feng Shui consultant. I’ve been doing this for a long time, been searching initially, at the beginning, also learned some, you know, fine stuff, Feng Shui egg, mentioned Feng Shui San, her Feng Shui. The results were… you know, sometimes very good, sometimes not, not, not very good. Then I keep searching. Eventually I found my master, my master in China. And as you mentioned, this is a Liu Jiang Dong lineage. Liu Jiang Dong’s lineage, and I’m lucky to become a disciple of my Master, Master Yu, he’s still in China teaching as well. Master Yu and I become a disciple in the 39th generation. And that I learned this, the technique, which is well bridging the fine stuff, Feng Shui. The egg mentioned Feng Shui, and they work well, perfectly. And because in the region, when I was born in the Chaozhou area, people build a house with one standard house, you know, based on the one module, and then build it up. Can build very, very big. And this small module is already done(doing) the Feng Shui there. So in some villages, they have 1000s of houses with the same design, same height, same width. Uh, same…same style. And this one, this particular style, can be traced back to the Song Dynasty, which is about 1000 years ago. And people may ask, what about this region was… so good about this Chaozhou region, okay? And in chaos and region, if we look at Southeast Asia, there are a lot of crazy, rich Asians who are actually from this area. In Thailand, top 10 witches… the people, eight of them from Chouzhou region. And actually, Thaksin Shinawatra, Thailand’s previous, you know, the prime minister… was also raised in this region, yeah. So we do… Feng Shui (has) effects for a long time. Nowadays, traditional Feng Shui masters, because nowadays, the architect that builds a house any way they want, you know, some, you know, they put a triangle, sometimes put a round shape. And if we know the technique of Feng Shui, actually, we can incorporate this Feng Shui technique with modern buildings. We don’t need to, you know, hanging(hang), you know, coins, crystal or the waving cat decorates your house like, you know… Chinese restaurant. So it is a very satisfactory job nowadays, because the Feng Shui, they (are) not doing the same as the old time with the three preset Feng Shui. So the… what we call the inter…intercept, like Feng Shui is about the Yin and Yang. So the Yin Yang, sometimes they (do) not work well. So that’s why we… Our health nowadays has some issues, you know, in the modern city, modern life, but if you look at the old time, they’re more healthier. People can live longer. So with the modern tech, modern… you know, building architect, it brings some issues to… to occupants. But for… what our technique of Feng Shui (is) able to help them…I’ve been helping many people, like, people with fatality issues, people with health issues, people with, you know, wealth, you know, job issues. So it is a very, very happy job.

AB: Yeah. Oh, fantastic. Marianne, I’d like to ask you… your journey into Feng Shui was also very interesting, moving from the corporate world. So what got you to become involved with Feng Shui and become a meditation teacher and give up your corporate life.

MG: Through my finance years, in my 20s and early 30s, I was working as a finance professional in New York City, and even though I liked it. It was very..uh… entertaining. Lots of trips and everything. I was just crunching numbers and giving money to clients, which was great, but I had something tugging at me, and I felt like I had a wider purpose, and I wanted to, you know, get back to something more spiritual, deeper as a teenager, when I was 13, I had a run in with Feng Shui. My parents moved from their beautiful, 18th century old house that had been built with wonderful proportions, and we had woods in the back and two streams coming down gently, and a river in front and a pond. And we moved to this modern house… nice amenities, a pool, but my parents built it, and they had built it with Angular features. The swimming pool was placed weirdly… it felt like the energy was terrible, and everything went south. So my parents had health issues, job issues right after we moved, and my sister had been studying to be an acupuncturist at the time. She’s older than me. She’s 14 years older than me, and she said, you know, you might be having a Feng Shui problem. I said, what? You know, I’m 13, and she bought all the books, she gave them to me, and fixed our Feng Shui, you know? And it’s not that it was as wonderful as before, but (these) definitely things stabilise. My dad’s health got better. Job wise, it got much, much better. And so I had that experience. So when I was 33 I had my first child, and that’s when I woke up to this. And I said I rediscovered Feng Shui to help people I want to take my formal certification, and I did that. And as far as meditation, it goes back to the financial crisis. I was still working in New York, and things were very stressful. They were laying off people left and right, and I was having panic attacks. So every morning I would literally check myself into the emergency clinic and be like, I think I’m having a heart attack, and the doctor was like, No, ma’am, you’re fine. Walk on. And that’s when I started meditation, because I had to. And, you know, I was doing a lot of yoga, physical movement, breath (breathing), so I immediately went to meditation. And that was such a wonderful, transformative moment that I decided to help people with that too.

AB:  Very interesting what you said about the house that you had moved from, because sometimes you walk into a building, and that’s actually how I discovered Feng Shui for the first time. So Master Yung, I want you to tell us a little bit about what Feng Shui is, and tell us a little more about this geomancy and how it came about in China.

Master ELTY: Fung, actually in Chinese, direct translation, is wind, wind as wind flow, and Sheui is water. So it actually comes from this book called Book of burial in the 400… I think about 480 … 480 Feng Shui Guo Pu… Guo Pu wrote this book? You say the first Feng Shui appears in this book. The two words first appear in this book. And if we think about it in(on) the biggest scale we live in the world is full and water without wind, without water, we all die. There’s no, no way we can live. So if we think (on)a bigger scale that that is the wind we need to breathe and water we need to drink to survive, that’s… that’s very important.

AB: Yes

Master ELTY: For our house, the wind is coming from the door. You know, when we open the door and also open a window. That’s why they call it a window. And from the Feng Shui point of view, this door location is very important. The Windows location is also very important. And the water exits. The water exit in our Feng Shui system, in the San Yuen Gua system, we talk about the exit point, exit water. Very important is the exit water. Imagine if a house… with leaking water comes into the house, and the water cannot go out, then the house will be flooded. Imagine our body, if we drink a lot of water…we drink water but no discharge, what would happen to our body? So the wind and water is through the, you know, the Chinese ancient sage they observe, you know, the… the heaven and earth, the moon and the sun, the night and the day. So they come up with the yin and the yang. So you can say, also the wind and the water also can be the one Yin and one Yang. Water is visible. It’s visible. It’s Yang energy, and wind is invisible. So it’s a Yin energy. So it’s very important to(for) our day to day life. 

AB: So is the print, the main principles of Feng Shui, are they about balancing the wind and the water in your life.

Master ELTY: In our system, yes, it’s about balancing. So as mentioned, the Fung Sheui is the yin and the yang two parts. Only the yin and the yang, they mingle, or they connect, and there will be new born, there will be Chi. So for example, the Yin Chi and Yang Chi together, they cannot produce… two Yin energies together they cannot produce, so it’s only the Yin and the Yang. So we have to balance this Yin and the Yang and make sure… make sure the Yin and the Yan… they have a connection. 

AB: Marianne, your blog, you wrote a blog talking about the importance of aligning the energy of your house to that of your personal goals. Will you talk to us more about that and how someone who’s new can incorporate that into their lives? Someone who’s new to Feng Shui, 

MG: So newcomers, people who want are curious about Feng Shui. Often. They want results fast, you know, I want to be rich. You know, so often they’ve tried other modalities and things haven’t necessarily worked out. And you know, they call me. So how I attract people to Feng Shui is I let them know that they likely have a Chi blocker somewhere in their homes. I just know this from, you know, even house hunting right now, I’m looking for a permanent home. 95% of the houses have Feng Shui problems. And what I know is that… you know.. the builders clearly didn’t care very much about the flow of chi. They care about maximising profits and utilising the square footage in a way that, oh, I’m going to put another bathroom there. It’s going to cost more, you know, it’s going to make more money for me. 

AB: They probably don’t even know about it. Not everyone knows about geomancy and Feng Shui. 

MG: Oh, and I don’t think when they know they still put it in some corner of their minds that it doesn’t matter, but it does. You know… they know…. Some builders even talk to me. They’re like, show me a perfect floor plan. And I say, Well, fine, it all depends on the orientation, but I’ll show you a blueprint, and yet, they’re going to do something completely different, because they want the stairs across from the door or things that maximise their budget, you know. So the blockages that I identify are, you know, multiple, but I narrowed them down to five. One of them could be, you know, it’s a little, it’s called Killing chi, SHA Q, but it’s a little scary. I don’t like to call it that, but it’s, it’s a rush of chi that will make you feel unprotected. There will be a draining elemental imbalance, so an overpowered powering element, like, for example, we just talked about too much water accumulating or too much wood. These are the draining elemental imbalances. We can see the wrong directions, orientations are very important for people. They could be an incomplete Bagua map. When I was referencing my childhood home, the new one, there was a whole like missing area, and that was part of the problems. There could be low vibrations in the home, for example, from inheriting an old house, you know, that hasn’t been renovated or cared for. And so all these five things I’ve identified are culprits in people not feeling their best. And when we fix that, the Chi can flow normally again, and they will, generally, my clients experience a rush of luck in their lives.

Now to retain good Feng Shui, it takes a lot more work. That’s only the first part. Then you really have to put in the time and live its philosophy, foundations of inner balance, which I correlate with my meditation practice and living a life in accordance with your own alignment and how best you know how you really feel grounded when things really flow gently, you know, not like crazy always… “I want to be rich and my bank account is swelling” but then the rest of the… the rest of your life is falling apart, falling apart. Yeah. So I want people to know that Chi is everywhere, Chi is contagious, and Chi is always changing. If we don’t understand that we cannot retain good Feng Shui 

AB: And chi, for those who don’t know we’re talking about life force, life energy, 

MG: Right, correct. 

AB: Yeah. So how long does it take you to go into a house and fix the Feng Shui? And I’d like to ask you both that question. 

MG: There are many situations that you can fix immediately, and some take a little longer, you know.

AB: And Master Yung. What would you say? How long does it take to fix the Feng Shui. 

Master ELTY: Depends on what they want. If, like, for fatality, maybe take 10 months, or no, like, take minutes to produce a baby. But sometimes, if you do correctly…about four to six weeks. So you can see, you know, very smooth pregnancy, or natural pregnancy. Even I have clients… They do, like, three, four years of IVF, and they fix their home, you know, in a couple of months they can, you know, conceive naturally. Sometimes it really depends if they want a long term effect to(of) the Feng Shui, they have to do a bit more. But sometimes, if they want to do have like… see quick results… In Feng Shui. In our system of Feng Shui, the stove is very important…

AB: Stove, yes

Master ELTY: And also the toilet…yeah, because the stove carries the energy. You know, when you’re cooking, you have the heat…it will activate the Chi, the energy. So stove… if correctly place, of course, they don’t need me. They don’t need me to do Feng Shui… So sometimes it’s not correctly placed, so they need me. So sometimes I will just tell them to use, you say, a portable stove. Just don’t use that stove at the moment… just use a portable.

AB: So, can you explain to us what it means that you’re the 39th Yang Gong Feng Shui Master. Explain what that means and what is the San Yuen Yuen Gua holder.

Master ELTY:  So 39 means from… counting from Yang Gong. Yang Gong is the, you know, Yang Gong is… we call the first grandfather, you know, Grandfather Feng Shui. And he taught three disciples, actually, three disciples and Liu Jiangdong, our lineage. Master Liu Jiangdong is the third disciple, and he was allowed to teach other people. The other two disciples are called Yang Zhenhao, the other one is Liao Zai San. These two, they only can teach this particular technique to their own children and their own family lineage. But Liu Zhang don’t (isn’t) allow to teach the outside people. So from Liu Zhan Dong, Liu Zhan Dong, then they have two branches. One is his son in law. The son in law has one branch. His own son has one branch, my master’s Master, my master’s master. He is Feng Shui fanatic, you know, back in the, you know, we say the Cultural Revolution, he was…uh… sent to, you know, to do a re-education, re-education, to send to… to the village. And he was sent to this particular village. They are very, you know, popular with Feng Shui as well. So he met the 36 generation, grandson of Liu Zhang. So he become(became) 37 and my master began 38 and I learned from a master become 39 so it’s generation by generation and the San Yuen Guan the technique once we learn from a Master, we are not allowed to write a book to review the core technique of the Feng Shui. So that’s why our technique, you will not see from the normal books. 

AB: Okay So it’s, it’s a more detailed system that you follow the San Yuen Yuen world rather than the other system

Master ELTY:  Correct Well, we the um… if you’ve done the San Yuen Gua S Yuen Gua correctly. You can add the fine sign in. You can add the(them) as mentioned. You can add the San her Feng Shui. But the San Yuen gua is the fundamental layer. You have to do this layer correct(correctly) first, then you… you do good Feng Shui. And with the San Yuen Gua, we have the(are) able to tell who will benefit, when this one will benefit, how his benefit, where will benefit. So…

AB: Wow

Master ELTY: So there’s a you know, the time, the time, the way, you know what, how? 

AB: So it’s almost like astrology in a way. 

Master ELTY: It’s not, it’s not astrology. It’s because we don’t look at the personal chart, or the four pillar chart, or the Chinese astrology chart, we look at the house in the 24 months.

AB: From what you’re telling me, You’re saying you can predict a lot based on someone’s house, by looking at someone’s house, right? But in the West, in the Western world, there are all these misconceptions about Feng Shui. One of the ones I hear a lot is always just superstition. It’s, you know, if it makes you happy, do it, but it’s just superstition. What are some of the big misunderstandings that you have encountered 

Master ELTY: The most, most talked about is your front door, face the back door, your money come in and money goes out. 

AB: Right

Master ELTY: Okay, but they don’t give you the condition. What’s the condition? What is the condition? The money come(comes) in and money go(goes) out. But sometimes, if there’s a good condition, money can come from the back door too. Sometimes money coming from the back door will be more than coming from the front door. Why (is) the money going out of the back door? That’s one I always like to, you know, ask people about it. Secondly is about… should I put my door into a wooden door or metal door, or what color do I paint the door. In our Feng Shui, we talk about the wind and water. Right… wind is when you open a door, the wind will come in, the Chi will grow in. When they open a door, the Chi will not stop at the door and ask, “Hey, what material you’re made of? You’re made of wood. I’m not going to come in. You’re made of gold. Have come in more” Same as color, same as the house number. You know that when you open the door, the Chi will not stop at the doorway. This. It. “Oh, you’re number four, you’re unlucky. I’m not going to come in. Oh, you’re number eight, you’re very lucky. I come in more for you.” No, the nature treat(treats) everyone equally.

AB: Interesting. And Marianne, what are some of the misunderstandings you’ve come across 

MG: In the US. I live in the south right now, and people tell me, but I’m a Christian. I can’t do Feng Shui. The Bible says I can’t do Feng Shui. I said, no, it’s not a religion.  You can absolutely do Feng Shui. Please. 

AB: You both worked in residential situations, you worked in commercial settings. Is an office situation very different, the Feng Shui for an office situation from a residential situation?

MG: Yes. I do a lot of commercial businesses and if it’s a big factory or headquarters, the proportions will be different. 

AB: Okay, thank you. And Master Yung, will you tell us?

Master ELTY: The principle is the same… The principle is the same. But for a residential family. We have to look at every member of the family… if we want to make sure every member is well looked after. 

AB: Marianne, I also want to ask you to explain the relationship between Feng Shui and our personal well being. So how can the way we arrange our house affect our mental and physical being?

MG: At the Western School of Feng Shui, where I studied first, the first things I learned were we first have to be… how to apply the principles of safety and comfort. If you’re not safe, nothing’s going to work out… you are always going to feel stress. So safety first. It could also be just your furniture. If you have small children and there’s like a glass angular table and you’re always thinking, are they going to pierce their eye? So if a space isn’t safe, if a space is cluttered, you won’t be nurtured.

AB: Thank you. And I want to ask you about, where do you see Feng Shui going, how do you see it evolving and how do you see it fitting into the modern home and office going forward?

Master ELTY: I try to educate, you know, try to educate more people. And I actually work with quite a lot of architects in Melbourne. You know, they, you know, when, when they are their client, my client want(wants) to work with Feng Shui. And I found in the Western architect, they are more open, they’re open minded, they will work on my suggestion. But sometimes some architect(architects) they will be very insistent on what they think is good for the client. But sometimes we create a little bit of conflict there. 

AB: I would love each of you to give the people listening one example of where you saw. I mean, I know you talked about fertility, Master Yung, but give us an example of where it was so apparent that what changed someone’s life was the Feng Shui. Because you can’t imagine. I believe in Feng Shui. I believe in Vastu, which is like the Indian geomancy, and I believe in different forms of geomancy for the house. And I think that living in harmony with the environment is so important. But I get laughed at a lot for doing that because people think I’m a little crazy. So I’d love you to give us examples of somewhere where you know that it was the Feng Shui that worked.

MG: I had a client who, same thing, fertility treatments. For two years they couldn’t and then finally they came to me, right…last resort. And their bed, they had a situation where their bed was in alignment with the door, which was in alignment in the middle of their house with the big column. And clearly the column was the problem. And so we wrapped it around, we changed the bed orientation and they fell pregnant naturally after a month, like the next cycle, you know. 

AB: Wonderful. And Master Yung, you give us your examples.

Master ELTY: 2019. In 2019, she’s actually a doctor with a migraine. She cannot cure herself, you know, with her own migraine. Then we look at the house. The door was open incorrectly.

So I suggest closing the door and opening the door in different sectors. So she did it. She did it. And after she changed the door, the migraine (was) gone. 

AB: Like you recommend…like Marianne talked about a pillar, Master Yung, you talked about the door where the door had to be moved, the entrance door to the house. Now, what if you’re living in a building like in London, there are a lot of listed buildings where you can’t do that. You can’t move doors.

Master ELTY: If there’s a bigger size, we can divide it into two separate area(areas) to make two centres.

AB: So actually build it or energetically extend it.

Master ELTY: So yes, you have to physically extend it to make it a bit bigger to move the center point away from the original center. 

AB: Marianne, do you want to add something? 

MG: Yeah. You can use little fixes as well that can, you know, mirrors, little mirrors, or you can hide certain protruding angles and columns using mirrors and plants. You know, you can wrap around a plant in the middle. It doesn’t disappear. That’s not an optimal solution by any means. But what I found is that when you start taking the focus from these problems, the beams, you know, you could hang paper objects from a beam or you could redirect the staircase across from the front door, you could use a crystal or stabilising rugs at the bottom.

This by no means fixing the thing, but it’s definitely distracting and helping.

AB:  And before we wrap up, I’d love both of you to give people who are new to things like Feng Shui some simple tools that they can live with, 

Master ELTY: (Like I) mentioned earlier. Safety. You know, when you slip against a solid wall, you feel more safe, more, more safe. And also for children, when you place the bed, that is best when they, when they sleep, when they sleep in the bed, the left hand side, you know, the left hand side against a wall, which will make them more safety, more support, and they will be more confident if put their right side to a wall.

AB: Marianne, would you like to add something? 

MG: For people I would like them to identify their… their blockers. You know, 80% of the effects are generally caused by less than 20% of the causes. It’s the parietal load. So identify what may be causing the biggest problem and generally things will go away. That would be my advice. And then there’s a lot of imbalances. You can look at elemental imbalance, Yin Yang imbalance. That usually solves most problems, but it takes a little bit of learning. So the five elements are fire, earth, metal, water and wood. I would say learn about the elements and observe your space. Is this completely grey? Sometimes I enter people’s homes and it’s all painted grey or white. And then they have arguments and I’m like, this is overly metal. You, you have to change this to bring in warmth and Yin fire or, you know, even just add sensing red or orange. Or add fire. Because people like to decorate, you know, from Pinterest like one color. 

AB: Thank you. That was very useful. And thank you, both of you, for your very useful suggestions for sharing your wisdom with us. To the listeners, I want to say that this is not just about putting your furniture in a particular position or hanging crystals. It’s more than just that. As Master Yung and Marianne both told us, it’s about aligning Chi, aligning life force and guiding it wisely and so that it helps us lead a life which makes us reach our full potential. We all have huge potential. There’s nothing that we cannot do. And Feng Shui is a tool to help us lead our best lives. So thank you for being with us today. May you live in harmony, may you live in peace, and may you lead your best life. Thank you