Manifestation Meditation for Lions Gate Portal

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Anshu Bahanda: This is Anshu Bahanda on Wellness Curated. Thanks for joining me on this podcast. My mission is to empower you with health and wellness so that you can then go and empower others. 

After spending twelve years in the shipping industry, Amrita Mann found her calling in healing in 2009. She’s been healing for about twelve years now and she always had an understanding of the human body and she was inclined towards traditional healing methods like acupuncture, ayurveda and herbal treatments. But it’s when she found her practice of healing that everything changed for her. She started sensing energies and emotions around people and there’s various different modalities that she practices. Pranic healing, Goddess healing, she does sacred geometry… There are a whole host of healings. So welcome to the chat, Amrita. What is this Lion’s Gate portal that is being talked about so much?

Amrita Mann: Okay, so it’s something that has been in the spiritual circles for quite a few years now. Many people know about it, and it’s basically a time which is linked with the rising of the star Sirius, which was considered a spiritual sun by the ancient. So, when Sirius rises in the Leo constellation, I think it has something to do with the Sphinx, but I’m not too sure about the details there, so I’m not going to get in there… But what happens is the energy of the Sirius, it aligns with our physical sun, which is the sun that we can see, the solar system sun. So, when that aligns with the energy from the Sirius, which is our spiritual sun energy, which is propelling the entire planet and our entire solar system into the Earth, and it affects each and every person on Earth as well as our planet. So, this is a very important time to actually connect with everybody. Now it’s happening with everybody because we’ve been seeing, like everything in the universe, it is energetically linked and now even science is proving it. So, these are things that affect us. Sometimes we are conscious of them, sometimes we are not aware of these things. What it does is it brings out a lot of emotional stuff, of thought processes that need to be healed. So, it brings up our shadow aspect, because wherever there is light, shadow will come up. So, it brings up those aspects for us to heal and know and understand that, okay, this is what I need to work on or this is the path that I need to go on. So, it’s a good time to tap into that energy, to realize what needs to work for us. Where is it that I am not looking into myself and how can I grow more spiritually? And that only happens when you work on yourself. So, you will notice, and I have noticed, at least in the last one week, ten days, there have been intense issues with people coming up, a lot of emotions coming up. So, all this is actually that Lion’s Gate Portal energy which is coming in, which is bringing out this in a big way. So, it all fires a manifestation of anger. So, it is all the emotional stuff which is coming out on the surface, physicalized. So, it physicalizes in our life, it physicalizes in our surroundings. So, that is what we need to pay attention to and we can focus on those things and our own growth.

AB: So, tell me, Amrita, I believe the Lion’s Gate Portal opens up every year, right?

AM: Yeah, every year. 

AB: Why is this year so special?

AM: It has been special. I think it’s now just getting like I said, in the spiritual circles, people knew about it. We’ve been doing it at least from the time from 2009 onwards. I’ve been sensing different kinds of energies every year coming through the Lion’s Portals. This year, I also feel that because it’s on a new moon, a new moon is a new beginning. And this year, I think since last, since 2020, there have been major changes in the solar system… on our planet. So, I think that has definitely played a very important role in the cleansing of the system. See, the thing is, the more people are aware of these things, the stronger it gets, because you’re giving more energy to these things. People are ready to look at their shadow side, they are ready to stop and figure out what they want to do, rather than just following the rut. So, I think that may have given it more power and it is influencing people’s lives in a big way.

AB: That’s a really lovely statement: that people are ready to accept to do what they want to do and to follow their purposes. I mean, meditation is the best way of accessing the portal, is that right?

AM: It is. Yeah, it is. And I just want to take a minute to explain what it’s about. So, we’ve been doing the Gayatri mantra, which is: ‘oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ.’ So, it is actually those three layers; bhuv is Earth, bhuvah is the atmospheric region between the Earth and the sun, and Swaha is the sun. So, we’ve been focusing on the basic chakra, the navel, and the solar plexus so far. But when we do the full Gayatri mantra, it is seven realms, seven chakras, and those seven chakras, whatever is there in the universe is also there within us. So, that is how we tap. This is my way. There are many ways of doing it, and every way is correct. Whatever suits people, I feel they should do that, because whatever you connect with on a deeper level, that is what will work with you.

This is just something which I wanted to share with people, which I’ve been doing for quite a few years now. And I feel like I really feel the energy coming into the body, because when you connect with your body, you also connect with the energies in the universe because your chakras are like… your chakras are even portals to the universe. So, when we do this Gayatri Mantra, we’ll be focusing on the chakras. I’ll just explain how the mantra goes. Om bhūr is your basic chakra at the root of the spine, bhuvaḥ is the navel. Suvaḥ is the Solar Plexus, which is about two and a half inches above the navel, right in the center of the ribs. Om Maha is the spiritual sun. So, this is a physical sun in our body, the Solar Plexus. Maha is the spiritual sun, which is the heart. Om gyana is the Throat Chakra. Gyana is knowledge. And knowledge comes from the throat Chakra. Then Om Tapaha, which is the realm of all the progenitors, basically understanding of how the universe was created. It is a midway between the Supreme Truth, as well as being connected to your own individual existence. So, it is what keeps you grounded as well as connected to the cosmic world. Satyam is the Crown Chakra, which is the supreme truth. That is also called oneness. When we understand that we are all ‘One,’ the whole universe is one; that comes from the crown chakra. When you have that realization, that means your crown chakra is connected with the universal wisdom and the truth. ‘Om Satyam, Om tat savitur vareṇyaṃ’ means the Realm, which is beyond human comprehension as of now. And ‘bhargo devasya dhīmahidhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt’basically means that the realm where all the celestial beings got enlightened. Please bless us with that enlightenment as well. While I chant, we will chant three times. When we chant this mantra, focus on the specific chakras and keep going up. So, the first time we chant, we’ll do it with the intention of cleansing the chakras. Second time we chant, we’ll do it with the intention of radiating it out into the Universe.

So, radiating whatever your intentions are, or you can just radiate out into the Universe with the intention of whatever is best for you. And the third time we do it, we’ll just be in a receptive mode and allow the Universe to receive. So, it’s like you’re radiating out into the Universe and then you’re ready to receive. There is a way to chant also. When you chant it out loud, it affects the physical body. When it’s in a medium tone, it affects the emotional body. And when you are really silent, that’s when it has an effect on the mind.

AB: Are you saying that the first time we chant it loud, the second time we do it medium, and the third time we keep it in our mind?

AM: Yeah. All right, so just close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Relax your body. Deep inhale, deep exhale. Just release. Let go, let go of all the heaviness, all the fears. Connect to your spine. Inhale, be aware of your spine, and exhale, forming strong roots of light going down into the Earth, connecting with the energy of Mother Earth. Inhale this light, up into your spine, through the base of your spine. Om bhūr

AB: Om bhūr

AM: Om bhuvaḥ

AB: Om bhuvaḥ

AM: Om suvaḥ

AB: Om suvaḥ

AM: Om Maha

AB: Om Maha

AM: Om gyaana

AB: Om gyaana

AM: Om Tapaha

AB: Om Tapaha

AM: Om Satyam

AB: Om Satyam

AM: Om tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

AB: Om tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

AM: Just allow your awareness to rise up. Be aware of your entire spine. Now we’ll do it the second time, focusing on the base of the spine. Om bhūr

AB: Oṃ bhūr

AM: Navel chakra. Om bhuvaḥ

AB: Om bhuvaḥ

AM: Solar plexus. Om suvaḥ

AB: Om suvaḥ

AM: Om Maha

AB: Om Maha

AM: Om gyaana

AB: Om gyaana

AM: Om Tapaha

AB: Om Tapaha

AM: Om Satyam

AB: Om Satyam

AM: Om tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt.

AB: Om tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt.

AM: Radiate this energy out into the universe. Connect with all the seven realms. Feel the energy going out. Be aware of the energy that is coming back. Now, we’ll do it really slowly on a mental level with the intention of receiving the blessings from the seven realms.
Om bhūr Om bhuvaḥ Om suvaḥ Om Maha Om gyaana Om Tapaha Om Satyam Om tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt. Om
Just be in a receptive state. And feel the energy flowing into your body. Be aware of the space around the body. Be aware of the spine and just allow the energy to flow through you. Whenever you’re ready, just ground yourself back into the Earth, through your feet, through the base of the spine. Connect with the energy of Mother Earth, bringing the energy of all the seven realms down and rooting it into the Earth. Whenever you’re ready, you can open your eyes.

AB: Amrita, that was wonderful. Thank you so much for that. When people do this, do you suggest that they set their intention before?

AM: Yeah.

AB: So, is there something that they’re really desiring, that they set it?

AM: See whatever you desire. It’s easy to manifest. Everybody’s manifesting these days. But the thing is that the manifestation is happening really fast. So, what I feel is that, first, you set the intention like we did for this one, clear yourself of all blockages. Then whatever you intend, radiate it out into the world. And then third, be ready to receive. So, that is a good way of doing it. The thing with manifesting the desires, they may not be good for you, so you have to be. What I have realized of late is that it’s better to just manifest whatever’s best for your highest good rather than a specific thing. So, if there’s no harm in doing both the things but I think people are focusing so much on desire and that is where they are going wrong and even the manifestation is going wrong because then you’re constantly in that cycle of manifesting, manifesting, manifesting. So, I feel that if we just manifest that whatever is for my highest good right now in the right time, I’m ready to receive that. So, I think that just makes your life smooth. Then you’re not struggling with one manifestation after the other and like, okay, I got this, but now what?

AB: So, you’re saying manifest your life’s purpose for the present time.

AM: For the present because we are living in very challenging and very changing times. Nobody knows what’s going to happen six months down the line. So, everything is changing. Everything all around the world is changing. So, at this point of time, to ask for specific things… you may be connected and you may know that, okay, if I get this, I’ll be happy, but you don’t know. So, I think right now this is what came to me. So, I think I should share that it is best to manifest whatever is for my highest good. I am ready to receive that now.

AB : Thank you, Amrita. That was such a lovely healing session. 

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