Podcast 22
Manifesting Money
Amrita Mann

Amrita Mann has been doing healing since 2012- from physical body healing like injuries, fever, covid to emotional healing for cancer, autoimmune, arthritis. She also does psychological healing for anger, depression, behavioral changes as well as ancestral healing. She works with modalities like Pranic Healing, Merkaba – Sacred Geometry, Ancestral healing, Goddess, Womb & Angelic healing and through her connection to her higher self and the Ascended Masters, she works with all these to gently heal and guide people.

People spend so much time thinking about and trying to earn money. They develop fears and blockages around money. The whole idea of work in the world is centered around trying to earn money. Money is needed for everything – for basics, necessities, luxuries – everything in today’s day and age. How do we remove the blockages around money? Once we do this, only then can we truly learn to manifest money.

I am very honoured and privileged to bring Amrita and her special knowledge to you.