Podcast 75
How to deal with Mental Health Issues
Dr. Anvita Madan-Bahel

Dr. Anvita Madan-Bahel holds a PhD in Counseling Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She specializes in multicultural psychology and her interests include cross-cultural psychology, diversity issues, working with minority groups and sexuality and sexual health. Majority of her work is around reducing sexual violence & gender disparity; psychosexual and relational therapy, BAME mental health and diversity training.

She is most passionate about designing culturally based programs that address minority-based issues. She designed one such program for her dissertation, using Bollywood films clips to discuss comprehensive sexuality education with South Asian girls in New York. The dissertation was published as a book: Sexual Health and Bollywood Films: A Culturally Based Program for South Asian Teenage Girls. NY: Cambria Press. Based on her dissertation, she also co-founded Seeds of Awareness, an organization that imparts CSE programs in India. She provides therapy to survivors of violence (both gender-based violence as well as trauma due to displacement and conflict). She has extensive experience in diversity and cross-cultural training. She specializes in issues related to sex, sexuality, sexual health and provides psychosexual and couples therapy.