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Prevent Stress

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Anshu Bahanda: This is Anshu Bahanda on Wellness Curated. Thanks for joining me on this podcast. My mission is to empower you with health and wellness so that you can then go and empower others. Hello, Jah. How are you?

Khun Jah: Good, how are you? I’m very good.

AB: Thank you for joining me.

KJ: Thank you for inviting me again. It’s going to be an interesting session again, I think.

AB: So, here I have Jah, whom you all know. He’s an emotion code practitioner and he is a big believer in the subconscious mind. He believes in bio-software that not only keeps us alive, but it stores all our emotions and memories. And today we’re going to talk about a really important topic, which is: how do you stop all our stress from manifesting physically and mentally. So, Jah, how are you?

KJ: Very good. I hope everyone is healthy as well right now.

AB: Fingers crossed. I hope so too.

KJ: Fingers crossed. Yes.

AB: So, Jah, tell me, in light of what happened in the context of last year and the pandemic and what we’ve all gone through, has your definition of wellness changed?

KJ: It has actually expanded. You have to exercise right, eat right for your wellness. But since the pandemic, we are limited without movement, so we have to stay home. So, what I expanded is my relationship. My relationship wellness with my family, with my wife and my children. It seems like I understand it better. I see more of them. I understand more of them and I value their opinion more and I spend more time with them.

AB: Oh, that’s lovely.

KJ: Yes. I think it’s great. Look at it as an opportunity to expand even though this pandemic is there. What can you do? Right? You have to find the best way to be happy, to get up on it… as soon as possible.

AB: Absolutely. So, tell me, Jah, let’s get into stress. What is stress? What is your definition of stress and how does it work its way through us, through our bodies, through our minds, and through our emotions?

KJ: Okay. By definition, the stress is usually negative. So, by definition, it’s just our body responding to changes in our environment or in the way we think and that we need adjustment. That’s the definition for me. It’s like I look at it [more] simpler. It’s just saying, am I happy if I’m not happy? If I’m not happy, I’m actually under stress now. If I’m not happy, I think I’m stressed. But then the thing is, you have to understand that when you are in stress, when you’re under stress, chemicals are running through your body. This is very important because as a human, we are equipped with survival instincts. So, we don’t like anything that’s negative that would trap us. So, all the time, it’s great. We fight, we run… This thing helps us survive. But in modern times, we have no more threats… That big a threat to life. But actually, the threat comes from the things that we are not happy with. Because the world is changing a lot. So, when we become stressed, what happens? Our brain will send signals down the spine to the adrenal and your whole body will shift. Your muscles, your legs suddenly become stronger but your digestive system will become weaker. So, this is a chemical for you to survive. Either you fight or you flight or you want something to get out of the situation. That’s the normal chemical way. But the thing is when we have too much of this, we will start damaging our physical body and also our mental body. To make it simple, we are always under stress. And sometimes we have to learn to handle our stress well.

AB: So, Jah, on that note, two things. I mean, one, a lot of us live in big cities. There’s stress everywhere. That’s one thing. Second thing, in the current times, how do you prevent this external stress from coming, from affecting you?

KJ: If you look at it right now with the pandemic, what can you do? You stay home. You work from home, right? But we are still stressed. You look at it. We are still stressed. Even [though] we are staying at home. Why? Because of all the information we are seeing. People are dying, people are getting infections. So, what happened? We are actually stressed with the news and we keep thinking about it. Our mind keeps saying “oh, we are running through this again. Hopefully more people don’t die. It’s getting worse. What can we do? Will it get to us? Will it get to my family, while I die?” All this metal is actually going way too much into the future. You’re fearing the future and also being aware of the past. And you forgot to live in the now. Right now, you’re at home or you’re in some place which actually is safe. So, you shouldn’t be too worried. That’s how you have to control yourself. Try to live in the now as much as possible. Even in a big city, right? When you’re in your condo or whatever, try to be present if you’re in the now. That’s where you can start to be calm and not so stressful.

AB: Okay, but then tell me when we’re absorbing all this information, right? How do we stop it from affecting us? Firstly, how does it affect us physically and mentally? So that’s my first question. Then I’ll go on to the second part.

KJ: Yeah, that’s a very good question. If you look at all this information input, actually we are rewriting our program, our subconscious. Look at the way we react to what we are receiving. You start to write, let’s say a software, a bio software to survive, to recap. What is all this about? I want you to look at your body as just a phone. You have eyes, you have cameras. You have everything. Now you can touch too, right? You can move everything. So, your body is just this phone. But the thing is, what makes a phone run? It’s a software. So, when you first bought the phone, what happened? It comes with a standard software. That’s when you’re born but as you gain experience in life, you start downloading apps. Then the apps will cost you sometimes to be hot. So, the machine will be hot, and will be under stress. We are the same, we write apps to survive. So, that’s why we’re under stress. But as we get more stress, what happened? The phone will die. We can also be hurt. So physically, we can also be hurt or we keep it running in a loop. That’s a mental partner. We’re running in a loop. So, the software will be running all the time. So, the apps will be running without us knowing. So, our subconscious is activated without our awareness in the first place.

AB: Okay, so given that happens, and given that happens to all of us, how do we stop it from affecting us? Can you give us tools and techniques? I know you gave us some lovely tools last time and people still talk about them.

KJ: Yes. Okay, so the first thing is you have to develop my recommendation and develop new skills for yourself. The first skill is you have to be aware of how you feel. If you are not happy, you have to find out why? Because no one can help you if you don’t want to help yourself. That’s why I believe in empowerment. I believe that everyone can empower themselves if they work on themselves.

AB: Absolutely.

KJ: So, you have to be aware that what are you feeling, what are you afraid of? So, if you know you are not happy, you find out what is the cost of your unhappiness. It can be your wife or children or whatever, or your husband or whatever, right? And then the next thing you have to do is get rid of your unhappiness, your stress, quickly. Because unhappiness is like stress. Get rid of it quickly. That means you do something else, diversion, you forget about it. Or you go exercise, you go listen to music, all these things to get away from the force. And then hopefully you find a permanent way to release all this stress. Why are you stressed? Because you have memories from the past, plus emotion they’re attached to it. Because when something happens, you attach emotion to it.

AB: Emotion to a memory? Absolutely.

KJ: To a memory… Yes. So, this one becomes alive. Actually, literally, you have two kinds of memory. One is active. One is not so active, inactive. What do I mean? Active means you have emotion attached to it and inactive means there’s no emotion. So, like, for example, I asked you yesterday, last evening, what do you eat? You know, but you have no feeling these are inactive. It’s just run by itself. But active means I could raise some issue that could ring your bell. That’s an active issue. That makes that kind of impact on you. So, you have to learn to understand, be aware, and try to avoid it. Get rid of it.

AB: And how do you get rid of it?

KJ: Most of us right now, in modern times, when you get to a point where you have a mental state, you take chemicals, you go to a doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, to talk it out, to help calm you down; that’s one solution. But for me, it’s more like you have to understand how you created this. You created all this through your own application, your apps, in your own program. So, the best way for me is how can you reprogram yourself. By removing the emotion from the memories. Once you remove the emotion from the memory, what happens is that the memories become inactive or go away. It’s that simple. 

AB: It’s very difficult to remove emotion from a memory.

KJ: If you don’t try, it will always be difficult, but the more you remove, the better you will get. It’s just like removing a virus in you. The more you remove the box, the better your program will run. So, that’s the key. Hopefully today there will be techniques, hopefully, to remove this emotion from you. We will try it out at the end. Experience for me is more important than just talking. I can talk all day, but if you don’t do it, there’s nothing I can do. The impact has to be in the experience. I want to experience this. Have fun with this.

AB: All right, so would you like to give us the tools now?

KJ: I think we can do that because I think everyone understands the basics of it. How you create all this stress, it’s through your own subconscious programming. Today we will try to reprogram it. So basically, it’s not that difficult. You can create it; you can delete it. It’s that simple. It doesn’t have to be difficult at all. You don’t need any chemicals; you don’t need anything. Just make sure you know how you created it, accepted it, and move on. I want to release this. Intention to release is one of the key factors. I intend to release my stress. Whatever issue you have, that’s one of the key factors. And after all this, the body will support whatever you want.
AB: So, Jah, what you’re saying can I just clarify? So, you’re saying that when something bothers you, you can work to remove the emotion from the memory. So, that means you can even use it for past memories. Is that right? Things that have [been] stored deep, deep down from childhood?

KJ: Yes, it’s that simple. Because usually if you look at the energy, things that are happening in our life, if there’s a pattern, usually you can trace back to childhood memories. Almost every case is a childhood memory. That means your childhood memory is still alive in you. But the player is different. So, it used to be, let’s say your mother that’s really, you’re so afraid of now. It could be your wife or your husband, for example. It’s just the same energy, but different players. So, once you’re aware of it and you say, oh, this is possible, all you need to do is try it out. I’ll give you some basic things that I do to reduce my stress. And I get down to my protocol that I think does help a lot. It’s going to dig deeper for me, I think. Standard, if you are stressed and you don’t know what to do, go exercise. Movement. Body movement is very important. It’s just like time. Time is moving all the time. So, you have to move even at home. Exercise. Trust me. Do something. Five minutes. Ten minutes to build up yourself.

Second thing is you eat right. You have to eat right. Because some of the things you eat, just like if you have too much sugar, oh man. It’s going to destroy your system. So, you have to understand all this. Go learn it. I think they’re experts on it. I’m not an expert on eating right, but I know you have to eat right because that’s the input you’re putting into your body. And one of the things I researched a lot is that when you’re stressed, try to smile. Smile. You force yourself to smile. Your stress will be reduced. It won’t go away 100%, but it will be reduced. You smile, laugh, listen to jokes, and make yourself happy. Because you can shift out of this. And also, another thing I do is, I do deep breathing. It’s like meditation. It’s like mindfulness meditation. But we breathe deeply, slowly, deeply. My technique is five, five, five. You breathe in, [count to] 5; 1 2 3 4 5, go down, and then 1 2 3 4 5— coming up.

AB: Five in, five out.

KJ: Yes and for five minutes.

AB: For five minutes, okay.

KJ: It’s very good because you bring oxygen very deep into your lungs. And your whole blood system will be oxygenated again. This will help you a lot. It will help you chemically. It will help you become stronger and stuff.

AB: Lovely.

KJ: Now this is just to get by. To get by any situation. If you do any of this, I’m pretty sure you will be lighter, you’ll feel better.

AB: Fantastic and you recommend doing this every day till you’ve totally let go of an issue?

KJ: Yes. It’s up to you. It’s your life. Do you want to be better? How bad do you want it? Let’s say you have a certain issue, you have been having it for like, let’s say five years, ten years. Do you know that actually, the majority of it, the root cause of it is all emotion? The emotion created by your own fear, your own mind. So, by tapping, by doing EFT tapping, it is going to try to slowly remove the layers for you. So, if the memory is very strong, very big, it takes… let’s say it could take you 100 rounds to do it. But it’s up to you. An issue will take just three rounds. It’ll be lighter, so it depends on the situation.

AB: Okay, that’s lovely.

KJ: For me, it works wonders.

AB: What advice do you have for people listening to us?

KJ: It’s a great question. In a stressful time like that, you have to rely on yourself. That means you have to learn if there’s a new skill, new technique, or new tool. Try it out. You can either remain the same as being stressed or you get better. You cannot get worse. So, for me, it’s like, hey, it’s only win-win. Is it the same or better? You cannot get worse. And you don’t have to take any chemicals. You don’t have to go outside because right now, all the doctors are busy anyway. They won’t have time to talk to you. So, you have to rely on yourself. You have to believe in yourself and that you have brought yourself to be who you are today. If you don’t like it, change, change your energy, change your memories, change your beliefs, change your habits, and everything will be fine. You can go back to your wonderful state any time if you want.

AB: Lovely. On that note, thank you so much. That was, again, such an informative talk. And you packed so much lovely information to help change people’s lives. So, thank you so much.

KJ: You’re welcome.

AB: Take care. Bye-bye.

KJ: Bye-bye.

AB: Thanks for joining us. Hope you enjoyed the Wellness Curated podcast. Please subscribe and tell your friends and family about it. And here’s to you leading your best life.