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Wellness Curated is a nurturing community centred on health and wellness, a safe space where you will find the support you need, whatever you’re going through. This is a one-stop shop for information on diverse healing practices and products, both modern and time-honoured, as we believe the best results are achieved when the body, mind and spirit are all given due importance in the healing process. I bring you the advice of world-renowned medical experts as well as practitioners of complementary non-traditional treatments in a bid to empower you with all the information you need to heal from the inside out. Carefully curated by me, Anshu Bahanda, this list of tools and techniques will support your wellness journey and help you enjoy a fuller, more productive life.

Latest Episodes

Podcast 98
Herbs for Health
Collette Casey

Today we are looking at the healing powers of herbs, a tradition of medicine that dates back millennia.

In this podcast, we will explore the world of herbs, with my guest Collette Ruddy, who is a Trained Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist, and who specializes in women’s health.

Podcast 97
Meditation for Love
Amrita Mann

Our fourth instalment in our meditation series will help you remove negativity and conflicts in your relationship and fill it instead with love.

Let us hear from Amrita Mann who is a healer, seeker and yogini, and discover how to surround ourselves with Love.

Podcast 96
Meditation for Wealth and Abundance
Amrita Mann

Money is a form of energy and like energy it is meant to flow, in and out.

Listen to episode 3 in our meditation series – meditation for wealth.

Let’s follow Amrita Mann as she guides us…

Podcast 95
Meditation for Health
Amrita Mann

Meditation can give us a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both our emotional well-being and our overall health.

In episode 2 of our meditation series, we’re looking at how meditation can lead to better health.

Guiding us is Amrita Mann, healer, seeker and yogini.

Through her guided meditation, she has helped people sort out a number of issues from aches and pains, poor digestion, dizziness, anxiety, chronic fatigue, auto-immune issues and more.

Podcast 94
Psychological Astrology
Arya Punj Timblo

In this podcast, we dived deep into Psychological Astrology – discovering what it is and how it can help us understand more about our life and ourselves.

My guest, Arya Punj Timblo is a professional adult and child psychotherapist  and an experienced psychological astrologer who has been working in both these fields for the past 20 years.  She also teaches Psychological Astrology online internationally.

Podcast 93
Death and Dying (Part 2)
Dr. Sarah Holmes

In this podcast we discussed how to prepare for Death and live with the dying.

Dr. Sarah Holmes is a Consultant in Palliative Medicine and Medical Director of Marie Curie Hospice Bradford, UK – who has worked extensively in end of life care.

Podcast 92
Why Meditate
Amrita Mann

Amrita Mann is an incredible healer.

Let’s look at how meditation can really help to clear our minds, boost concentration, energy, and sleep.

In our series on meditation,  my guest Amrita Mann will be our guide and we’ll cover key aspects in each session including Meditation for Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness.

Podcast 91
Death and Dying (Part 1)
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

In a world that is often uncertain and ever-changing some constants remain – Death is one of them.

So let me share with you this beautiful thought from Sadhguru, a yogi, mystic and best-selling author who has touched the lives of millions of people worldwide.

He says  “Every breath you take, you are getting closer to the grave. But every breath you take, you can also get closer to your liberation.”

An inspiring message which leads me to my guest, Sadhviji, who is a renowned spiritual leader and motivational speaker. She’ll be sharing her deep knowledge and wisdom with us as we explore the end of life, if there is a life after death, consciousness and the different ways we treat the body after death.

Podcast 90
Living with Autism
Jonas Torrance

We are aiming to explore how to live with and alongside people with autism.

But let me start with this quote from Author and Autism advocate Dr. Temple Grandin.

She has said about her autism …

“The world needs different kinds of minds to work together”

Such an interesting idea! In today’s session we discuss  attitudes and approaches to autism, and how we can all understand more so we can support those who are living with autism.

Joining us today is Jonas Torrance, author and dance movement therapist who has worked extensively with autistic children over many decades.

He is the author of the influential book ‘ Therapeutic Adventures with Autistic Children and a Private Practitioner and Supervisor registered with The Association of Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK.

Jonas will be sharing his years of experience with us and helping us to understand and support better those who are Living with Autism

Thank you for joining us Jonas….

Podcast 89
Wellness Through Purpose, Passion and Practice
Bhawani Singh Shekhawat

Author, filmmaker and American bishop T D Jakes remarked that..  “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose”.

Today we’re exploring how to build passion, purpose and the practice required to achieve  a more successful, happier and fulfilling life.

Guiding us is Bhawani Singh Shekhawat, a widely respected, well-travelled and internationally experienced leader. He has decades of experience working at the top levels in business  and currently leads the Akshaya Patra Foundation – a global leader in Food for Education.

Podcast 88
The Miracle of Breathwork in Yoga
Prof. Prahlad

The buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn known as the ‘father of mindfulness’ wrote in his book ‘Being Peace’, “Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.”

The world is waking up to the huge benefits of breathwork. It can help with anxiety, sleep, stress and more! It is a wonderfully powerful tool which we will explore through the age old tradition of breathwork in yoga.

Prof. Prahlad is the Head of Yoga at Pema Wellness. He guides people globally on the important science of breathing and yogic kriyas and their impact on daily life, on physical, cognitive and coherent functions in the body. Kriyā most commonly refers to a “completed action”, technique or practice within a yoga discipline.

Podcast 87
Migraines – How Ayurveda Can Help
Dr. Varalakshmi

If you don’t make time for your wellness,

You may have to make time for illness.

We are talking migraines – they are more than just a headache – they are crippling and painful and millions suffer from them. We’ll be looking at causes, triggers, management and ayurvedic solutions with Dr Varalakshmi.

Dr. Varalakshmi Yanamandra is an ayurvedic doctor and practitioner from the UK.

Podcast 86
Boundaries to Manage Expectations
Dr. Maria Kempinska MBE 

Boundaries to manage expectations is a vital topic for people of all age groups. Every single day, I hear people say, they’re overwhelmed, they feel taken for granted. They’re under too much pressure. I wonder if we understood what boundaries are important to us and how to use these to manage expectations?

Dr. Maria Kempinska MBE is a psychotherapist, the Creator and CEO of a comedy club and radio presenter.

Podcast 85
Inner Strength Is Your Armour Against Stress
Dr. Ramesh Pattni OBE 

Everywhere you go, there seems to be a lot of stress whether its students stressed about exams or even people in the road. And it just seems to be on the arch. Covid is a factor too. And Hans Selye said, he was a Hungarian Canadian doctor, and he did a lot of work on stressors and he said, “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”

So today, our guest is Dr. Ramesh Pattni OBE and he holds three masters degrees and a doctorate from Oxford University is a highly sought after counselor and psychotherapist.

Podcast 84
How Can Acupuncture Help You
Simi Godagama

So you know how acupuncture has been known for forever?

When you go through heartbreak, it shows up in the heart meridian and this is something that can be fixed through acupuncture.

Simi Godagama is an acupuncturist. She’s a marma therapist, and she’s an ayurvedic practitioner.

Podcast 83
Manual Therapy and Cranial Osteopathy
Katrine Cakuls

Working internationally in Canada, England, Australia and America, addressing all levels of fitness and health, Katrine has helped people achieve optimal health.

Her work has been featured on national television in America, and she has been quoted in a book by author Naomi Wolf.

She works with a network of practitioners including medical consultants, psychotherapists, acupuncturists, homeopaths and movement specialists.

Podcast 82
Transformational Breathing for Mental Health, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression
Harika Pekinel

Harika Pekinel is a Transformational Breath(R) workshop leader and a qualified mindfulness teacher and fitness and dance instructor.

She runs workshops and one on one sessions for adults and children.

Harika is originally from Turkey and believes in working on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being for self development.

Podcast 81
Releasing Emotional Triggers and Traumas
Bushra Khan

Bushra Khan has developed the qualities and skills to help her clients to create a mindset to take back control, conquer their thoughts, actions and belief systems and support them in designing their life in their ideal way.

She is practicing as a holistic psychotherapist helping others through their own challenges. Bushra has already touched and transformed many lives. Merging the latest in self-awareness with the ancient practice of Sufism, she is results-driven and focused on creating impact in as few sessions as possible. Her mission is to create awareness in each and every one by removing “blockages” that obstruct the flow of energy, giving the tools to operate on a higher vibration, and receiving what each and every one truly desires.

Podcast 80
About Ethical Dilemmas in Aesthetic Surgery
Dr Raj Ragoowansi

Mr. Ragoowansi is a consultant plastic surgeon who has been practicing for 19 years with the NHS and privately.  

He’s an expert in hand, upper limb, and breast surgeries and also specialises in breast and body contouring, breast augmentation, uplifts and reductions, abdominoplasty (tummy tucks) and liposculpture.

Podcast 79
Dealing with Guilt
Shobana Cooke

Shobana graduated with a BSc. in Anthropology from the University College of London, UK and embarked on an endless journey studying and practicing Homeopathy, Yoga and Tarot. She uses a combination of these modalities in her clinical practice in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

She is also a certified Hatha Yoga Instructor and Yogic Lifestyle Counsellor. During her affiliation with Astanka Yoga Mandir in Sri Lanka, she co-founded AAYUSH, a holistic healing platform which supported the education and operation of an integrated clinical practice. Shobana continues her learning in Yogic philosophy and practices, dedicated to deepening her understanding and practice of Restorative & Therapeutic Yoga guided by the teachings of Swami Satchidananda.

Shobana conducts a series of “Reboot” holistic workshops with Swami Divyananda ma of Integral Yoga, USA. She is also aligned with other collaborative partnerships in holistic healing in Sri Lanka and the UK.